2018 Workout 1
The 2016 Floater 1000m Row, 2:00 Minute Rest 750m Row, 1:00 Minute Rest 500m Row, 0:30 Second Rest 250m Row
- Total Rowing Time without the Rests
2018 Workout 2
The Dark Horse 500 100m + 500m, no rest. Score is: 500m time.
- Monitor Setup: Intervals Variable –> > Round 1: Set Distance: 100m, Rest 0:00, > Round 2: Set Distance: 500m, Rest 0:00
2018 Workout 3
2013 CrossFit Games 13.1 2k Row into a Half Marathon
2 Scored Events
- Row 1 is the First 2000
- Row 2 is entire 21,097
Monitor Setup Intervals Variable:
- Round 1: Set Distance – 2000m, Set Rest – 0:00